Secure and cost-effective hosting of online stores and other e-projects

internetveikalu hostings


48 per month*
  • 50 GB NVMe SSD
  • 15 domains
  • cPanel control panel
  • LiteSpeed webserver
  • Redis Object Caching
  • Free SSL certificate
popular choice

Daily backups with JetBackup
Installation of popular CMS with Softaculous
Automatic WordPress installation
Imunify360 protection

Unlimited parked and subdomains
Unlimited FTP accounts
DNS management
SSH access

Unlimited email accounts
Email forwarding
Antivirus protection in emails
Spam filter

Node JS, Python
MySQL, phpMyadmin
PHP 5.2 – PHP 8.3
Perl, CGI, Cron, cURL, GD

Statistics with AWStats and Webalizer

Monthly payment – 9.23 EUR + VAT
Annual payment – 73.8 EUR + VAT
2-year payment – 110.7 EUR + VAT
3-year payment – 147.6 EUR + VAT


97 per month*
  • 200 GB NVMe SSD
  • ∞ domains
  • cPanel control panel
  • LiteSpeed webserver
  • Redis Object Caching
  • Free SSL certificate

Daily backups with JetBackup
Installation of popular CMS with Softaculous
Automatic WordPress installation
Imunify360 protection

Unlimited parked and subdomains
Unlimited FTP accounts
DNS management
SSH access

Unlimited email accounts
Email forwarding
Antivirus protection in emails
Spam filter

Node JS, Python
MySQL, phpMyadmin
PHP 5.2 – PHP 8.3
Perl, CGI, Cron, cURL, GD

Statistics with AWStats and Webalizer

Monthly payment – 18.45 EUR + VAT
Annual payment – 147.6 EUR + VAT
2-year payment – 221.4 EUR + VAT
3-year payment – 295.2 EUR + VAT

Secure and cost-effective hosting

24/7 Technical Support

We respond faster than within an hour.

Support for every customer regardless of the hosting plan.


Automatic backups are created for all hosting accounts every 24 hours.

They can be used at any time.

NVMe Disks

he NVMe disks installed in the servers provide up to 300% faster page loading.

Take advantage of this feature, which your website visitors will appreciate.

SSL Certificates

A free SSL certificate is provided for all domains hosted with us.

websites, blogs and portfolio
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e-commerce projects
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registered domains
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Trusted by  

Customer feedback  

Jau vairākus gadu izmantoju AREA IT hostingu un tiešām esmu ļoti apmierināts ar šo servisu. Uzticos šim uzņēmumam un noteikti turpināšu ilgstošu sadarbību. Iesaku to arī citiem!


Ātrs, stabils un drošs pakalpojuma sniedzējs! Uz risinājumiem vērsta klietnu apkalpošana. Un vienas no izdevīgākajām cenām nozarē.

Santa Ogriņ

Izmantojam Area IT pakalpojumus jau no 2019. gada! Ātra un ērta komunikācija, kas atvieglo mūsu darbu ikdienā!


Sadarbojos ar Area IT no 2009.gada. Vienmēr viss ātri, precīzi un profesionāli. Lielisks klientu atbalsta serviss.
