Area IT – reliable, secure and stable hosting
For more than 15 years, Area IT has been providing fast, secure and stable hosting for various types of Internet projects – websites, portals, blogs, online stores, etc. During this time, we have gained the dignity and trust of our clients. In terms of price and quality, our services are currently among the most competitive in Latvia.

How we ensure the quality of services
Quality and price ratio
Our priority is to provide a quality service at a favourable price as well as plans that are adjusted to our
Investments in the service improvement
We have been continuously investing in improving the quality of services and will continue to do so.
24/7 support and extensive library of tutorials
Our customers have access to our technical support and a vast knowledge base with different types of articles, tutorials etc.
Customer feedback
" Jau vairākus gadu izmantoju AREA IT hostingu un tiešām esmu ļoti apmierināts ar šo servisu. Uzticos šim uzņēmumam un noteikti turpināšu ilgstošu sadarbību. Iesaku to arī citiem! "

Ātrs, stabils un drošs pakalpojuma sniedzējs! Uz risinājumiem vērsta klietnu apkalpošana. Un vienas no izdevīgākajām cenām nozarē.

Santa Ogriņ
"Izmantojam Area IT pakalpojumus jau no 2019. gada! Ātra un ērta komunikācija, kas atvieglo mūsu darbu ikdienā! "